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Showing ALL JOBS – Show only specific state: ACT | NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA

IDPositionCompany / OrganisationIndustrySub-industryLocationLinks
326Retail Cashiertobacco retail shopRetailLithgow, NSWmore
325Housekeeper (+Accommodation)privateHospitalityHousekeepingBargara, QLDmore
324Admin CoordiatorAster AllianceReal EstateAdminSouth Melbourne, VICmore
323LawnmowingprivateServicesLawnmowingRiverwood, NSWmore
322Drafts person, Welder / Fabricator (3 jobs)Advanced Cutting SolutionsManufacturingFabrication & WeldingMackay, QLDmore
321Senior Solidworks DraftpersonPro Ali DesignConveyancingNorth Gosford, Gosford & Central Coast, NSWmore
320Leading Farm HandBogdanich FarmsAgriculture & FarmingNeergabby, WAmore
319General Farm WorkerHannaton MerinosAgriculture & FarmingKaniva, VICmore
318Motor MechanicSK Automotive and TyresAutomotiveBlacktown, NSWmore
317Heavy Diesel MechanicVeolia ANZEnvironmental SolutionsTownsville, QLDmore
316Heavy Rigid DriverVeolia ANZEnvironmental SolutionsChinchilla, QLD more
315Branch ManagerVeolia ANZEnvironmental SolutionsRockhampton, QLDmore
314Service Technician, Parts Interpreter, Trade Assistant, Boilermaker, Welder, Painter, Mechanical Fitter
The Drake GroupManufacturingTrucks, Loaders, TrailersQLD, WAmore
313Event LabourerHarry The HirerTradeEventsBrooklyn, VICmore
312Live-in CarerprivateCareAged CareDoncaster, VICmore
311Heavy Vehicle MechanicBarry Maney GroupAutomotiveMount Gambier, SAmore
310Dance InstructorCareToDance Dance StudiosEducation & TrainingDance IndustrySydney, NSWmore
309IronerOSCA Professional Ironing ServiceServicesIroningBulleen, VICmore
308Electrical and Fire TechnicianWork Life Safety SystemsServicesElectrical / Fire Safety
Adelaide, SAmore
307Casual Aged Care / Disability Care WorkerSydney Multicultural Community ServicesCareAged / Disability CareSydney, NSWmore
306Manager, Waiter, Bartender, Chef, Kitchen HandPlate It ForwardHospitalityFood IndustryChippendale, NSWmore
305SurveyorCadence Consulting SurveyorsConstructionSurveyingNewcastle, NSWmore
302HousekeeperprivateHospitalityCleaningDarlinghurst, NSWmore
301Heavy Vehicle MechanicVeolia ANZAutomotiveSydney West, NSWmore
297Sr. Software Engineer (Front End Focused)Secure Code WarriorInformation TechnologySecuritySydney, NSW, and remoteapply
296Solid Plastering, Lime Render, Acrylic Texturer, EPS cladding, AAC cladding, Hemp Block InstallerKOSP Construction Resources Pty LtdConstructionMandurah, WAmore
295National Sales ManagerB.B ProductsManufactureMeats / SmallgoodsGreenacre, NSWmore
294Warehouse WorkeriStyle ShuttersLogisticsWarehousingYennora, NSWmore
293Tradesperson / Trades AssistantPolyfabrication and F. B. LiningsManufacturingPlasticsCobar, NSWmore
292CleanerMaster Key Cleaning Solutions ServicesCleaningSydney, NSWmore
291Fitter TurnerAustex Dies Pty LtdManufacturingDies ProductionMinto, NSWmore
290Dental AssistantPain Free Dentist SydneyHealthcareDentistryHurlstone Park, NSWmore
289Construction WorkerTIRO ProjectsConstructionSydney, NSWmore
288Pest Control TraineeGuardian Pest ControlServicesPest ControlMornington Peninsula, VICmore
287CarerprivateCareAge CareACTmore
286CnC Router OperatorInstyleInterior Design, Acoustic SolutionsRosebery, Mascot, NSWmore
285Master Eyelash Extensions TechnicianThe Lash SpaServicesBeauty IndustryVarsity Lakes, QLDmore
284Technical Project LeadHyperion Queensland Pty LtdTelecommunications & System EngineeringSumner Park, Brisbane, QLDmore
283Seamstress / DressmakerThe Social StudioManufactureTayloringCollingwood, VICmore
282Concreter / Paver / LandscaperTiro EarthworksTradeConcreteMalaga, WAmore
281Cooking InstructorFree to FeedHospitalityFood IndustryNorthcote, VICmore
280Commercial CookFree to FeedHospitalityFood IndustryNorthcote, VICmore
279Motor MechanicAutostudioAutomotiveAdelaide, SAmore
278Social Media & Graphic Design CoordinatorAFUOSocial Media / Designremote workmore
277Bicultural Mental Health Project Officer / Groupworker (Ukrainian Community)STARTTSCommunityDee Why, NSWmore
276Operator / Food Process WorkerSan Remo Macaroni Company PTY LTDManufacturingFood IndustryAdelaide, SAmore
275Call Centre / Customer Service AssistantSan Remo Macaroni Company PTY LTDCustomer ServiceFood IndustryAdelaide, SAmore
274Accounts Receivable / Payable Administration Clerk San Remo Macaroni Company PTY LTDAccountingFood IndustryAdelaide, SAmore
273Data and Automation SpecialistTalosInformation Technologyremote workmore
272Kitchen Hand-HospitalityCafes & RestaurantsBondi, NSWmore
271Ukrainian InterpreterSAMLanguage ServicesITremote workmore
270Bookbinder, BlockmakerThe Menu CompanyManufacturingHospitality Menu CoversArtarmon, NSWmore
269Trades AssistantRICH Living ServicesTradeTimber & Deck TreatmentsRedland Bay, QLDmore
268MechanicActive Tree ServicesTradeHoticultureBayswater, VICmore
266Fry Cook, Chef, Bistro Staff, Bar StaffBeauty Point HotelHospitalityFoodBeauty Point, TASmore
265Lights or Electronics Equipment Assembly WorkerAboutSpaceRetailCampbellfield, VICmore
264Warehouse AssistantAboutSpaceRetailCampbellfield, VICmore
263Mechanic, Mechanic Apprentice, Tyre FitterMidas IndooroopillyAutomotiveIndooroopilly, QLDmore
262CleanerRosebery Cottage Early Learning CenterHospitalityCleaningRosebery, NSWmore
261AutomechanicMidas IndooroopillyAutomotiveIndooroopilly, QLDmore
260Floor InstallerFlooring Xtra CommercialTradeFlooringBrisbane, Gold Coast, QLD; Melbourne, VICmore
259Lead Developer, Senior DeveloperMindAtlasInformation TechnologyMelbourne, VIC (+remote work option)more
258Sample MachinistCamilla and Marc Pty LtdManufacturingTayloringWaterloo, NSWmore
256Early Childhood EducatorRosebery Cottage Early Learning CenterCareChild CareRosebery, NSWmore
255Managing / Working PartnerTownsville Computer RecyclersServicesCustomer Service, IT Sales / RepairsTownsville, QLDmore
254Carpenter, Joiner, Cabinet Maker, Kitchen Installer, General & Skilled LabourerMTL ConstructionTradeAlexandria, NSWmore
253Epoxy Systems WorkerSydney Epoxy FloorsTradeFlooringSilverwater, NSWmore
252Bicycle MechanicRevolve ReCYCLINGTradeBicyclesAlexandria, NSWmore
250Checkout Operator, Shelf Replenisher, Factory Worker, Farm WorkervariousRetailWAmore
249Hairdresserprivate business ServicesHairdressingSydney, NSWmore
248Aluminium Fabricator RylockManufacturingWindows, DoorsDingley Village, VICmore
247Direct Services Counsellor / Project OfficerSTARTTSCommunitySydney Metropolitan Area, NSWinfo & apply
246GardenerEZKO Property ServicePlants & GardeningEastern Suburbs, Sydney, NSWmore
245MechanicBrisbane Fork Truck ServiceAutomotiveTingalpa, QLDmore
244Warehouse Worker / Forklift DriverDomain PaperLogiticsWarehousingDandenong South, VImore
243F&B, Kitchen, Front Office Staff, Event Manager, Chief EngineerHyatt RegencyHospitality, EngineeringSydney, NSWmore
242WelderKM STEEL P/L TradeWeldingCampbellfield, VICmore
241Baking Supervisor, Depozitor OperatorBloomspoon FriandsHospitalityFoodLeichhardt, NSWmore
240Barista, Waitress, Kitchen HandDymocks CafeHospitality Cafes & RestaurantsSydney CBD, NSWmore
239Food & Beverage Attendant, Bar Staff, Room Attendant, Reception Attendant, Kitchen HandvariousHospitalityVICmore
238Barista, Chef, WaitercafeHospitalityCafes & RestaurantsHornsby, NSWmore
237Formwork CarpenterCubed CFCTradeCarpentryMelbourne, NSWmore
236TechnicianPSM Upstream SolutionsTradeEquipment MaintenanceHazelmere, WAmore
234PainterMajor Painting Pty Ltd TradePainting-more
233Carer + AccommodationprivateCareAged CareNarraweena, NSWmore
232DriverLogisticsNSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WAmore
231Farm Header Operator + AccommodationfarmAgriculture & FarmingNortham, WAmore
230Milk Harvesting Operator + Accommodationdairy farmAgriculture & FarmingBlighty. NSWmore
229Dry Cleaner / PresserFairway Dry CleanersTradeDry CleaningEssendon, VICmore
228Automechanic Repairer (no experience required)-Automotive-contact 0481 714 600 (Whatsapp +61481714600)
227Sewing MachinistSpartan Leather Works AustraliaManufacturingLeather GoodsGlenorie, NSWmore
226Cleaning Service WorkerLavender Disability & Mental Health SupportHospitalityCleaningCarlingford, NSWmore
225Office / Warehouse Worker-LogisticsCarrum Downs, VICmore
224Commercial / Industrial Sewing MachinistSample RoomManufactureIndustrial SewingCollingwood, VICmore
221Meat Packer / Knife Hand + AccommodationS & D Tamplin Pty LtdAgriculture & FarmingCanowindra, NSWmore
220Electrician, Fitter & TurnerGrade AccessConstructionMarrickville, NSWmore
219ReceptionistPullman HotelHospitalityReceptionCircular Quay, NSWmore
218 Cook / Chef, Front Counter AttendantCalypso Bakery CafeHospitalityCafes & RestaurantsPendle Hill, NSWmore
217Rod & Roper / Cable Hauler - Team LeaderKalka IndustriesTelecommunicationsInfrastructureAdelaide, SAapply
216Rod & Roper / Cable HaulerKalka IndustriesTelecommunications InfrastructureAdelaide, SAapply
215Farm Worker + AccommodationCocketgedong FarmAgriculture and FarmingUrana, NSWmore
214Benchtop FabricatorLaminate FabricatorsManufactureCabinetry and KitchensWingfield, SAmore
213Waiter / WaitressNasha KazkaHospitalityCafes & RestaurantsBondi Junction, NSWmore
212Nanny + AccommodationprivateCareChild CareOrange, NSWmore
211Unistor Global Pty LtdMezzanine Installer, CarpenterTradeSydney, NSW; Melbourne, VIC; Brisbane, QLDmore
210MechanicTyrepower RockhamptonAutomotiveNorth Rockhampton, QLDmore
209Cook, Carer for young children, otherChemello Group (a service provider)Hospitality, CarePerth, WAemail Ann Marie Chemello
or call 0408 935 703
208Stablehand, Track RiderHyam RacingAnimal CareHorsesMorphetteville, SAmore
207PackerAmazonTransport & LogisticsKemps Creek, NSWmore
206Truck DriverSydney Link LogisticsTransport & LogisticsKurnell, NSWmore
205Cabinet MakerFamous KitchensManufactureFurniturePenrith / Seven Hills, NSWmore
204Boilermaker / Welder / Sheet Metal WorkerTyree TransformersManufactureDistribution & Power TransformersBraemar, NSWinfo & apply
204Electrical Fitter / Panel & Instrument WirerTyree TransformersManufactureDistribution & Power TransformersBraemar, NSWinfo & apply
204Full Time Production WorkerTyree TransformersManufactureDistribution & Power TransformersBraemar, NSWinfo & apply
204Laser & Plasma CNC Programmer / NesterTyree TransformersManufactureDistribution & Power TransformersBraemar, NSWinfo & apply
202Mechanic, Truck Driver, Administration Assistant, Welder, Trade Assistant, othersAccess Group Australia (recruiting agency)ConstructionvariousWAmore
201Sawmill WorkerNorth East HardwoodsTradeTree Industrybetween Yamba and Grafton, NSWmore
200FarmerfarmAgriculture & FarmingDysart, Mackay, QLDmore
199Kitchen Handcafe & pizzeriaHospitalityCafes & RestaurantsEngadine, NSWmore
198Bakery Process WorkerBread SolutionsManufacturingFoodBraeside, Dandenong, VICmore
197HousekeeperPunthill Apartment HotelsHospitalityMelbourne Western Suburbsmore
196Software Developer, IT SupportENG Management pty LtdInformation TechnologyHealthcareBexley, NSWmore
195Senior & General Farm HandfarmAgriculture & Farmingnear Moora, WAmore
194Stainless Steel ManufacturerStormtechManufacturingStainless SteelSouth Nowra, NSWmore
193IT DeveloperENG Management pty LtdInformation TechnologyHealthcareBexley, NSWmore
192Housekeeperprivate houseHospitalityRozelle, NSWmore
191-Step IT Up - Paid Training and Job Placement in ITInformation Technologyonlinemore
190Travel Consultant (Amadeus reservation system)Macedon TravelServiceTravelCampsie, NSWcall 0417466598
189Beauty Therapist (facials, massage, skin issues, nails, etc.)-ServicesBeauty IndustryBayside Council, NSWcall Steve on 0422 531 273
188Live-in NannyprivateCareChild CareDonvale, VICmore
187Structural Engineering role (various)Pacifico GroupStructural EngineeringDundenong South, VICmore
186Farm Worker (Couple / Family) + Accommodationprivate farmAgriculture & Farmingrural VICmore
185Furniture WorkerAngelucci 20th Century pty ltdManufacturingFurniture RestorationRichmond, Brunswick, VICmore
184Fitter / Process WorkerBrendma AustraliaManufacturingConveyor BeltingSunshine West, VICmore
183ChefJonah’s Restaurant & Boutique HotelHospitalityNorthern Beaches, NSWmore
182WaitstaffJonah’s Restaurant & Boutique HotelHospitalityNorthern Beaches, NSWmore
181HousekeeperJonah’s Restaurant & Boutique HotelHospitalityNorthern Beaches, NSWmore
180Apprentice Security TechnicianBlueforceEngineeringSecurityTuart Hill, WAinfo & apply
179Office TraineeBlueforceEngineeringSecurityTuart Hill, WAinfo & apply
178Technician (Service / Commissioning)BlueforceEngineeringSecurityTuart Hill, WAinfo & apply
177Technician (Systems Engineer)BlueforceEngineeringSecurityTuart Hill, WAinfo & apply
176Senior Farm Hand-Agriculture& FarmingGalong, NSWemail Ian Hume
175Cleaner (once a fortnight)privateHospitalityCleaningBalcatta, WAmore
174Timber StackerComplete Staff Solutions Pty LtdTradeTimberHerons Creek, NSWmore
173Coach - Cheerleading/Gymnastics/Tumbling/ParkourComplete Staff Solutions Pty LtdSports CoachingPort Macquarie, NSWmore
172Maintenance FitterComplete Staff Solutions Pty LtdTradeMacksville NSWmore
169Air Conditioning & Refrigeration TechnicianAustech Airconditioning Services Pty LtdTradeAir-Conditioning / RefrigerationCampbelltown, NSWemail Kelly Maginn-Dawson
168Admnistrative AssistantAssociation of Ukrainians in Victoria – Noble Park (South East) BranchCommunityNoble Park, VICmore
167Assistant at NursingSt. Sergius Aged CareCareAged CareCabrammatta, NSWmore
166Fitter, MachinistMeshworksEngineeringSteelworksGlendenning, NSW 2761more
165Blender, Material AttendantValvolineManufacturingAutomotive productsWetherill Park, NSWmore
164variousHardware & GeneralConstructionNSWmore
163Hairdresser The Sanctuary for HairServicesHairdressingWest Pennant Hills, NSWmore
159Receptionist / Salon CoordinatorHeading Out Hair & Beauty ServicesHairdressingMelbourne, NSWmore
158Senior HairdresserHeading Out Hair & Beauty ServicesHairdressingMelbourne, NSWmore
157Loader Operator, LabourerMET RecyclingTradeRecyclingSilverwater, NSWmore
156Dental Nurseprivate practiceHealthcareDentistryPerth, WAemail Sondus Abuoun
155Housekeeper (+Accommodation)privateHospitalityRozelle, NSWmore
154Banking ConsultantANZBanking & FinanceBankingMarrickville, Bondi Junction, Richmond, St Marys, Balmain, NSWmore
153variousMercy CareCommunityWestern Australiainfo
152Welder-TradeWeldingSunshine West, VICmore
151Banking and Financial Services Officer (6 months position)Australian UnityBanking & FinanceBankingMelbourne, NSWemail Danielle Blaschuk
150Baker / Pastry Chef, Food Processor, MachinistGranny's BakeryManufacturing BakeryMalaga, WAmore
149Dentist, Software EngineerOsteon MedicalHealthcare, Information TechnologyDentistryMulgrave, VICmore
147Sail Maker, Clothing / Upholstery MachinistDoyle Sails SydneyManufacturingSails Making, UpholsteryGladesville, NSWmore
145Early Childhood Teacher, Educator, Assistant Manager, General CleanerLittle ScholarsCareChild Care, CleaningBrisbane & Gold Coast, QLDmore
143General Senior Farm HandWydidya FarmAgriculture & FarmingNorth Star, NSWmore
142Bus DriverBuslines GroupTransport & LogisticsPassenger VehiclesNSW to Various NSW Regional Locationsmore
141Beautician-ServicesBeauty Industry-more
139Bricklayers, Carpenter, Roofer, HandymanKhurasan Construction GroupConstruction-email Amin Amani
or call 0404 590 506
137Line-in NannyprivateCareChild CareSydney, NSWmore
135Conveyor Belt Manufacturing WorkerBMA Belting AustraliaManufactiringConveyor BeltsAuburn, NSWmore
133Bar Worker / Cook / Room Cleaner (+Accommodation)-HospitalityCafes & Restaurants, CleaningLock, SAemail Daniel Vernon
or call 0473 678 012
132variousBlackbirdBanking & FinanceInformation Technology & Othervariousbrowse & apply
131NannyprivateCareChild CareCasuarina, NSWmore
130variousAirTreeBanking & FinanceInformation Technology & Othervariousbrowse & apply
128variousDetmold Groupvariousvariousinfo
127Product DesignerUpgrowthInformation Technology-apply
126React Native DeveloperUpgrowthInformation Technology-apply
125JS Frontend DeveloperUpgrowthInformation Technology-apply
124Senior Full Stack DeveloperUpgrowthInformation Technology-apply
122Domestic AssistantprivateServicesDomesticMalvern, Victoriamore
119ArboristCanopy TreePlants & GardeningTree Industry / ArboricultureSouthern Highlands, NSWmore
118Multicultural Education AideNoble Park English Language SchoolCommunityEducationVICmore (then in the search box enter job number: 1281919)
117TradesmanStainless Tank & Mix Pty LtdEngineeringStainless Steel Tank FabricationMinto, NSWmore
115All Rounder / BaristaCoffee Corner Co.HospitalityCafes & RestaurantsJordan Springs, NSWemail
114Live-in Nanny (for a 2yo)privateCareChild CareCanberra, ACTemail Peter Liso
114Process Worker / Warehouse PersonFrozen Bakery Solutions Pty Ltd
ManufacturingBakeryBraeside & Dandenong South, VICmore
113Truck DriverFrancraneTransport & LogisticsIndustrialMount Druitt, NSWmore
112Senior StylistHouse of LoxServicesHairdressingDaringhurst, NSWmore
111Phone Interpreter (casual)Speak Your Language Pty LtdCommunityLanguage / TranslationLiverpool, NSWmore
110Bakery Hand, Packerfamily run bakeryHospitalityFoodSpringvale, VICmore
109Food and Beverage Attendant, Chef, Promotional Staff, Event StaffPlatinum StaffingHospitalityMelbourne, VICmore
108MechanicMBP MotorsAutomotiveEast Brunswick, VICmore
107Designer, Engineer (6 positions)Transport for NSWTransport & LogisticsDesign, EngineeringSydney CBD & Parramatta, NSWmore
105Restaurant Supervisor / Head WaiterKitchen 66HospitalityCafes & RestaurantsJannali, NSWmore
104Software Developer (esp. nodejs experience)FouraInformation Technology-email Tam Al-Saad
103Roof Gutter CleanerGuttergirlsTradeCleaning, Roof WorkDundenong Ranges, VICmore
102Tech Developer, Marketing Specialist, Graphic Designer, Industrial Designer OperationsBureau BoothsEngineeringAcoustic Booths / TaskPods-company site
101variousDocksafeConstructionSydney, NSW; interstatecompany site
99ManicuristTexas NailsServicesManicureArmadale, VICmore
98Swimming Pool ServicemanPoolwerxTradeSwimming PoolsLower North Shore, NSWmore
97Store Assistant / HandypersonPresenting Beautiful HomesTradeHousing
Netley, SAmore
94Disability CarerprivateCareDisability CareTuggeranong, ACTmore
93variousJewish CareCareAged CareBondi Junction, NSWinfo & apply
92Diesel Mechanic, Motor Mechanic, Auto Elect, Boilermaker, Plant OperatorMansfield CrushingEngineeringIndustrialMelbourne, Geelong, Gippsland, Mansfield, regional, VICmore
91 Service ManagerGrowers ServicesEngineeringDiesel MechanicsBallarat, VICcontact Luke Ayling, CEO, on (03) 5023 0284
90 Diesel MechanicGrowers ServicesEngineeringDiesel MechanicsGriffith, NSWcontact Luke Ayling, CEO, on (03) 5023 0284
89Delivery Station / Warehouse AssistantAmazonTransport & LogisticsWarehousingRegents Park, Bella Vista, Kemps Creek, NSWinfo & apply
87various (casual)Going PlacesTransport & LogisticsRemovalistsNorthern Beaches & Sydney, NSWabout & contact
86Bus Drivera private bus companyTransport & LogisticsPassenger VehiclesNorthern Beaches, NSWemail Chris Kulyk
or call 0426 834 388
85DriverGoldstar TransportTransport & LogisticsIndustrialPerth & surrounds, North West of WAmore
83Tennis CoachElite Tennis AcademySports CoachingTennisMornington and Glen Iris, VICmore
82Chess TeacherSydney Academy of ChessSports CoachingChessNSW Schools (various)more
80ResearcherUniversity of SydneyScienceResearchNSWmore
78Labour WorkerWeiwu’s Family OfficePlants & GardeningLabourGold Coast, QLDmore
77Florist & Flower Farm WorkerRubino Investments Pty LtdPlants & GardeningFloralSyndey & surrounds, NSWmore
72Machine OperatorNature OrganicsManufacturingPersonal Care, Household CleaningFerntree Gully, VICmore
71General Fitter / MachinistCrane Australia Pty LtdManufacturingIndustrial Valves & Associated Equipment St Marys, NSWmore
68Full Stack DeveloperNabookiInformation TechnologySunshine Coat, QLDmore
67Senior Data EngineerBlackbook.aiInformation TechnologyBrisbane, QLDmore
66Data EngineerBlackbook.aiInformation TechnologyMelbourne, VICmore
54Chef, Waitstaff, Bartender, GroundskeeperBOMA MerrijigHospitalityMerrijig, VICemail Sally Vickers
or call 03 5777 5868
53Housekeeper, Bar Worker, Food & Beverage Attendant, Chef, General Hospitality WorkerPinnacle PeopleHospitalityMelbourne, VIC; Sydney, NSW; Brisbane, QLD; Adelaide, SA; Perth, WAmore,
application form
52Room Attendant, Houseperson, Public Area Cleaner, Supervisor, Executive HousekeeperGlobal Hospitality SolutionsHospitalityNSW, QLD, VICmore
51Cleaner1800 CleanerHospitalityCleaningSydney's Eastern Suburbs & Inner West, NSWmore
50Room Attendant-HospitalityHotel Rooms Cleaning-email Igor Baranov
49CleanerprivateHospitalityCleaningNorthwood, NSWmore
48various (casual and permanent)Sydney International Convention CentreHospitalityEventsSydney, NSWmore
46HairdresserAmir Hairdressing SalonServicesHairdressingManly, NSWmore
40Welder / Metal FabricatorCain Equipment AustraliaEngineeringWelding / Metal WorksDandenong South, VICmore
39Draftsperson StructuralCostin-Roe ConsultingEngineeringStructural DraftingWalsh Bay, NSWmore
38Tool Maker – 1st Class MachinistAndar Toll & PressEngineeringIndustrialLaverton North, VICmore
37Boilermaker/WelderAdelaide HydraulicsEngineeringHydraulicsRoyal Park, SAmore
36Fitter and Turner/MachinistAdelaide HydraulicsEngineeringHydraulicsRoyal Park, SAmore
35Engineer - Automation EquipmentAdda Tool Engineering Pty LtdEngineeringAutomation EquipmentNorth Rocks, NSWmore
29variousCairns Hardware / DahlsensConstructionCairns, QLD; Sydney, NSW; Melbourne, VICmore
28Camp Project ManagerWeiwu’s Family OfficeConstructionArchitecture & DesignGold Coast, QLDmore
27Construction LabourerGilli Contractors Pty LtdConstructionAdelaide, SAmore
26Production Labourer / Factory HandCVSManufacturingConstructionMordialloc and Boronia, VICmore
24Ukrainian InterpreterMulticultural NSWCommunityLanguage / TranslationParramatta, NSWmore
23Community EducatorThe NSW Refugee Health Service (RHS)CommunityEducationLiverpool, NSWmore
20Intake Team Leader / CounsellorSTARTTSCommunityCarramar, NSWapply
18Live-in NannyWeiwu’s Family OfficeCareChild CareNorthern Beaches, NSWmore
17Support WorkerprivateCareChild CareBlue Mountains, NSWmore
16Postdoctoral Scientists / EngineersEnGeneICScienceBiotechnology - PharmaceuticalLane Cove, NSWmore
13Mechanic-AutomotiveKirrawee, NSWemail Fiona Duncan
12Car Washer, Car DetailerInch-Care Car DetailingAutomotiveAlexandria, Clyde, Erskine Park, NSW; Gosford, NSW; Altona, VICmore
11Driver, Warehouse Picker and Packer, Customer Service RepresentativeAuto Parts GroupAutomotiveNSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WAmore
10variousInghamsAgriculture & FarmingNSW, QLD, SA, VIC, WAinfo & apply
9variousDuxton Capital AustraliaAgriculture & FarmingNSW, SA, VICmore
8Buffalo Dairy Farm Milker / Cheese Maker + AccommodationBurraduc Bufallo FarmAgriculture & FarmingBungwahl, NSWmore
7Baby Animal Farm Worker + AccommodationSweet Valley Baby Animals Agriculture & FarmingWollombi Valley, NSWmore
4Aerospace Mechanical Design EngineerAstro Aero Pty LtdEngineeringAerospace Hervey Bay Airport Industrial Park, QLDmore
3Aerospace Structures - Stress Engineer Astro Aero Pty LtdEngineeringAerospace Hervey Bay Airport Industrial Park, QLDmore
2AerodynamicistAstro Aero Pty LtdEngineeringAerospace Hervey Bay Airport Industrial Park, QLDmore
1Aerospace CAD Design EngineerAstro Aero Pty LtdEngineeringAerospace Hervey Bay Airport Industrial Park, QLDmore
IDPositionCompany / OrganisationIndustrySub-industryLocationLinks

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