Jobs – Meat Packer / Knife Hand + Accommodation

We have small abattoir at our rural property, with accommodation available, with vacancies for 2 people to work in general farm work and as meat packers or knife hands (training provided). We are legitimate employer, pay above award wages.

Work schedule: We offer flexible hours, but meat packers Wednesday to Friday 7am to 3pm, knife hands in abattoir Monday to Wednesday 7am to 3pm

Tasks: To assist in primary and secondary processing of abattoir product, mostly poultry, and, if agreed to assist in managing our own farm livestock, being pigs, sheep, and cattle and other farm activities as required.

Salary and requirements: We pay $23- 28 per hour, uniforms, protective equipment and training for task. It may be necessary for an employee with red-meat exposure to have vaccination against Q-fever

Length of employment: These are permanent positions, but with occasional additional farm work hours can be negotiated. We have had back-packers, people on work holiday visas, volunteers at our property  and accommodation can be in our home with shared activity or independent living in our staff unit. Rents are payable.

Other requirements: It is best but not essential the employee has a drivers licence as we are 15 km from nearest town.

My wife and I seek to actively engage socially with our guests, she is of Hong Kong heritage, I am from England but we have both travelled extensively, and both are qualified teachers for speakers of other languages. Our backgrounds are both registered nurses at management level.

Stephen Tamplin

for S & D Tamplin Pty Ltd
Tablelands Premier Meats  
Canowindra 2804
ph – 0447 712 370
e – [email protected]

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