I would like to offer support to Ukrainian people looking at migrating to Australia to resume/start a new life. We have a leather goods factory based in Glenorie, Sydney. Based 40 minutes northwest of Sydney city.
Company Name: Oceanea Tools Pty Ltd – t/a Spartan Leather Works Australia
Job type: Private
Description: Sewing machining – for leather goods. Bags, belts and other related items.
Location: Glenorie, Sydney NSW 2157
Best way to apply: Email – [email protected]
Who to contact: John Razi
We are in a position to take on a full time person and a part time person (with the intention of making full time). This is not seasonal work, it will be permanent job with on going work. Given the candidates are suitable and competent for the position and can fit into our team.
If someone can assist with my request please contact me directly so I can provide further particulars.