Jobs – Biotechnology

EnGeneIC is a clinical- stage biopharmaceutical company in Lane Cove, Sydney, Australia. We are developing cancer therapeutics as well as a novel COVID vaccine which protects against all COVID mutants.

Our company is well established with 40 staff, and we are currently recruiting postdoctoral scientists and engineers in bio/manufacturing to progress the growth of EnGeneIC in Australia and internationally.

We have become increasingly horrified at the crimes perpetrated against your fellow citizens by Russia, and believe we can help by offering employment at EnGeneIC for displaced scientists and biotechnologists, including their families.

Criteria would be:

  • Competent in spoken and written English
  • Post graduate qualifications and expertise in one or more of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology
  • For a manufacturing position, post graduate experience in fermentation and manufacturing biologics

Salaries would be commensurate with those received by EnGeneIC staff at the same level.

EnGeneIC would supplement funding provided by refugee agencies and the Australian government if needs be, to support the individual(s) with accommodation (schools etc) once they arrive.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information.

With Warmest Wishes,

Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering
University of Technology, Sydney

2/25 Sirius Rd, Lane Cove West, Sydney, NSW 2066
275 Madison Ave, 27th Floor, New York, New York, 10016

Mobile: +61 407 953 170
Email: [email protected]

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