Jobs – 3 Separate Jobs

1. Our household is in need of a nanny and we have a spare spacious bedroom for her. The work is household related, like sending kids to school and cooking, but the reason we reach out to you is that a
Ukraine mom is allowed to take her own child in to live with us. A nanny can even take 2 of her children to come if they don’t mind sharing a single bedroom. The location is Northern Beaches, Sydney.

2. We need manual labour to clear a Gold Coast derelict holiday camp of overgrown vegetation. The location is owned by us. Nature reclaimed the land during pandemic. The 16 acres of land would require months to fully remove all the weeds to make it work again. No skill is needed except dedication. Driving and Gardener experience prioritised. We can potentially solve his/her accommodation problem and we can potentially hire a group of people for this project. If a gardener filled the position, there is an opportunity to permanently hire him or her for the maintenance of the property.

3. We seek project management help for the redevelopment of the same Gold Coast holiday camp. Architect or building construction or building regulation background valued.

Team Contact: [email protected]

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