Education – University Scholarships


Type of Scholarship (Ukrainian/Humanitarian/Other)

Name of Scholarship

La Trobe UniversityUkrainian citizens who have been displaced by the conflict and hold an Australian visaLa Trobe graduate research scholarshipmore
Western Sydney UniversityProvides financial support to students from a refugee or asylum seeker background. Value: $7,500 per year for the duration of the degreeWestern Sydney University Refugee Scholarshipmore
Western Sydney UniversityScholarship for asylum seekers who have been living in Australia for a minimum of twelve months, have not undertaken any previous tertiary education in Australia and are suffering social and financial disadvantage.Western Sydney University Scholarships for Asylum Seekersmore
Western Sydney UniversityRefugee scholarship for new & continuing students. Undergraduate, Postgraduate. $7,500 per year for three years.
Applicants must have been granted a permanent humanitarian visa within the last five years.
Fatma Yassine Equity Scholarship for Womenmore
Western Sydney UniversityRefugee scholarship for new or currently enrolled students, undergraduate and postgraduate. $7,500 per year for the duration of the degree.
Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents who have been granted a humanitarian visa, preferably within the last five years.
Katie Page Scholarship for Refugee Womenmore
Western Sydney UniversityRefugee scholarship – provides assistance to refugees in gaining English Language entry requirements to commence study in The College programs or Western Sydney University. English classes valued at up to $12,000.
Applicants must have been living in Australia for five years or less and currently hold, or previously have held, one of the following visas: Refugee Visa (Subclass 200); In-country Special Humanitarian Program Visa (Subclass 201); Global Special Humanitarian Program Visa (“SHP”) (Subclass 202); Emergency Rescue Visa (Subclass 203); Woman at Risk Visa (Subclass 204); Protection Visa (Subclass 866)
The College Refugee Scholarshipmore
Western Sydney UniversityAsylum Seeker scholarship. $30,000 annually for up to 3 years.
Applicants must submit documentation declaring the following: the student was born overseas; the student has resided in Australia for at least one year; the student holds a temporary protection visa or a Bridging Visa E with study rights; the student does not already hold a qualification from an Australian university; the student is not enrolled at another Australian university
Stillman & Mackisack Asylum Seeker Scholarshipmore
The University of Melbourne4 scholarships offered to talented undergraduate or graduate students who have applied for asylum in Australia.
$5000 per year; full tuition fee remission for the normal duration of the degree.
Melbourne Humanitarian Access Scholarshipsmore
Monash University Undergraduate scholarships for high-achieving asylum seekers on bridging visas.
Full course fees plus $6000 per year.
Monash Humanitarian Scholarshipsmore
University of New South WalesThe Engineering HDR Sanctuary Scholarship has been developed to support a talented student(s), who may be an asylum seeker or refugee, undertake a higher degree in research (MPhil or PhD) at UNSW Engineering.
$38,854 per annum stipend for the length of the degree program up to a maximum of 3.5 years.
Engineering Higher Degree Research Sanctuary Scholarshipmore
University of Technology SydneyTuition Fees + Student Services & Amenities Fees. A stipend will be provided if funding is available.UTS Humanitarian Scholarshipmore
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