Statements & Announcements

Sydney Rally Announcement

Hi all, starting from Thursday 22/03/2022 we are changing our strategy for the rallies. We are moving to phase 2: economic war against russia. From now on, all our weekday rallies will be held at headquarters of those companies that are still operating in russia. Our weekend rallies will continue to be held at Martin Place at the usual time (2 PM).

For greater impact we will coordinate with Ukrainians around the world, so that we can apply simultaneous pressure on these companies. For this strategy to work we must be agile. This means that locations of our weekday rallies will be changing at short notice. It is, therefore, important for you to keep monitoring our webisite ( and the Facebook group for updates.

This economic war is as important as the actual physical war that happens in Ukraine. This is the war that only Ukrainians abroad can run. It is critical for us to have strong numbers, because the higher that numbers, the higher the pressure. Please support our new strategy and join our weekday rallies. Please also bring your friends to those.

Our provisional plan for Thursday is to meet at the headquarters of Pepsi in Chatswood. We will be discussing and coordinating this with Ukrainians in Europe and will confirm the time and location by tomorrow.

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